TSIMI, C., GANAS, A., DIMOYIANNIS, D., VALMIS, S., LEKKAS, E. (2012). – Catchment-wide estimate of single storm interrill soil erosion using an aggregate instability index: a model based on geographic information systems. Natural Hazards, 62:863–875, Springer, New York.
MINOS-MINOPOULOS, D., PAVLOPOULOS, K., DOMINEY-HOWES, D. & LEKKAS, E. (2012). – Civil Protection reforms and policies: The need for optimal implementation by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for Cultural Heritage Protection.
LEKKAS, E., ANDREADAKIS, E., KOSTAKI, I., KAPOURANI, E. (2012). – A New Tsunami Intensity Scale Proposed after the Tsunami of 11 March 2011, Japan. One Year after 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake - International Symposium on Engineering - Lessons Learned from the Giant Earthquake, 483-491, Tokyo.
CARYDIS, P., LEKKAS, E., PAPAIOANNOU, C., TSOKOS, A.,DELAKOURIDIS, J. (2012). – The October 23 (Mw = 7.2) and November 9 (Mw = 5.7), 2011 Van, Turkey earthquakes. A geoscientific and engineering report. Ingegneria Sismica, XXIX, N.1, pp. 13-36, (Jan. – Mar. 2012), Pavia.
ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, A., ΛΕΚΚΑΣ, E., ΧΟΥΛΙΑΡΑΣ, Γ., ΜΟΣΧΟΥ, Α., ΚΟΛΛΙΓΡΗ, Μ., ΑΓΑΛΟΣ, Α., ΜΑΚΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Κ. (2011). – Η σεισμική ακολουθία του 2011 στην περιοχή της Οιχαλίας (Άνω Μεσσηνία) και τα χαρακτηριστικά του σεισμικού ρήγματος. 1η Ετήσια Επιστημονική Συνεδρία ΕΓΕ, Αθήνα.
DIAKAKIS, M., FOUMELIS, M., GOULIOTIS, L., LEKKAS, E. (2011). – Preliminary flood hazard and risk assessment in Western Athens metropolitan area. Environmental Earth Sciences, Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment (eds. Lambrakis, N., Stournaras, G., Katsanou, K.), Vol.1 pp. 147-154, Springer, New York.
CARYDIS, P., LEKKAS, E. (2011). – The Haiti Earthquake Mw = 7.0 of January 12th 2010: structural and geotechnical engineering field observations, near-field ground motion estimation and interpretation of the damage to buildings and infrastructure in the Port-au-Prince area. Ingegneria Sismica, XXVIII, N.3, pp. 67-85, (July-Sept 2011), Pavia.
ANDREADAKIS, E., KOSTAKI, I., KAPOURANI, E., LEKKAS, E. (2011). – Tohoku 11-3-11: A Mega-NaTech. Environmental Geosciences and Engineering Survey for Territory Protection and Population Safety (EngeoPro) International conference, pp. 46-53, Moscow.
LEKKAS, E., ANDREADAKIS, E., ALEXOUDI, V., KAPOURANI, E., KOSTAKI, I. (2011). – The Mw=9.0 Tohoku Japan Earthquake (March 11, 2011) Tsunami Impact on Structures and Infrastructure. Environmental Geosciences and Engineering Survey for Territory Protection and Population Safety (EngeoPro) International conference, pp. 97-103, Moscow.
LEKKAS, E., ANDREADAKIS, E., KOSTAKI, I., KAPOURANI, E. (2011). – Critical Factors for Run-up and Impact of the Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami (Japan, 11-3-2011). International Journal of Geosciences, 2011-2, pp. 310-317, Scientific Research Publishing, California.
ΛΕΚΚΑΣ, Ε., ΓΟΥΛΙΩΤΗΣ, Λ. (2010). – Δελφοί: Ένα μοναδικό μνημείο σε ένα ενεργό γεωδυναμικό περιβάλλον. Training Course “Seismic Risk Assessment in Specific Areas with Monumental Structures”. Οργανισμός Αντισεισμικού Σχεδιασμού & Προστασίας (ΟΑΣΠ), Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Πρόληψης & Πρόγνωσης των Σεισμών (ΕΚΠΠΣ), Αθήνα.
PAPANIKOLAOU, I., LEKKAS, E., FOUNTOULIS, I., FOUMELIS, M., PARCHARIDIS, I. (2010). – Fault geometry, surface ruptures, damage pattern and deformation field of the 2009 L' Aquila earthquake. Findings and implications. 11th Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), abs, Thessaloniki.
PAPANIKOLAOU, I., LEKKAS, E., FOUNTOULIS, I., PARCHARIDIS, Is., FOUMELIS, M. (2010). - Damage pattern, bedrock geology and surface ruptures of the 2009 L' Aquila event and implications for seismic hazard planning. International Association for Engineering Geology, 11th IAEG Congress, paper ID No. 068, p. 579-586, Auckland.
MAVROULIS, S., FOUNTOULIS, I., LEKKAS, E. (2010). - Primary and secondary environmental effects caused by the Andravida (08-06-2008, ML=6.5, NW Peloponnese, Greece) earthquake. International Association for Engineering Geology, 11th IAEG Congress, paper ID No. 054, p. 451-459, Auckland.
LEKKAS, E., PAPANIKOLAOU, D., NOMIKOU, P., PAPANIKOLAOU, M. (2010). - Urban and land planning of settlements in geodynamically hazardous regions of particular cultural, environmental and natural significance. The case of Oia - Santorini, Greece. International Association for Engineering Geology, 11th IAEG Congress, paper ID No. 147, p. 1257-1264, Auckland.
ΚΑΡΥΔΗΣ, Π., ΛΕΚΚΑΣ, Ε. (2010). - Ο σεισμός της Αϊτής Μs 7.2R, 12 Ιανουαρίου 2010. Ημερίδα του Εθνικού & Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών και του Εθνικού Μετσόβιου Πολυτεχνείου με θέμα «Οι Τραγικές Επιπτώσεις του Σεισμού της Αϊτής», 24σ., Αθήνα.
ANTONIOU, A., LEKKAS, E. (2010). - Rockfall susceptibility map for Athinios port, Santorini Island, Greece. Geomorphology, 118 (2010) 152-166.